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Personality Profiling: The Concept, And How To Deal With Each Type

HomeCoachingPersonality Profiling: The Concept, And How To Deal With Each Type

Decoding Human Behavior


Personality has the power to open many doors, but character must keep them open.


Dear Readers, in our everyday ventures in life, we are met with differing personalities, some we like and others we prefer never to deal with again.  Does this strike a chord with you? 

Well, breathe a sigh of relief, this is the case for many people.  Differing personality types cause people turmoil both in their personal and professional lives. 

Husbands and wives not getting along, bosses and their subordinates butting heads, business owners having a conflict, and the list goes on.  So, if you are one of these people, I am happy to say, there is a way to make it a little better, awareness. 

When issues like these pop up during any of my coaching sessions, and they usually do, my first question is, what degree of awareness and emotional intelligence does this person have in his ‘tool belt’?

It is vital that you know your personality type and also to learn to distinguish the differing personality types of others. 

So, do you know your personality type?  Do you know how to deal with other types?  


Gender Based Differences

As a first step to analyzing a personality, let us discuss the basic biological difference, gender.  Dr. John Gray, author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” has spent his life studying genders and divides humans into Martians and Venusians. 

So, what does it mean to be from Mars and how is it different than being from Venus?  Typically, men are primarily Martian and women are primarily Venusian.  That said, there is a range to the degree of the Martian/Venusian mix within us all.  Some men are 90% Martian and 10% Venusian while others may have a 70% Martian / 30% Venusian split.  Each person is different and understanding what your split is and the factors surrounding these differences is invaluable.


Those who are Venusian, have a love of communication.  They always want to count themselves as part of a team and are always thinking of others and of ways to help.  They often offer unsolicited advice and direction in hopes of helping but results have shown that Martians find this action to be very irritating.  To motivate a Venusian, make them feel respected and allow them to communicate and feel heard.  

So, it makes perfect sense that, when a Venusian is stressed, the first thing she wants to do is communicate about the problem.  For her, discussing the problem is a vital part of the problem solving equation.  So, if you are a Martian, please be ready to discuss issues when you notice her stressed, by offering your undivided attention


Those who are Martian, conversely, are typically people who are solution based and, in this regard, love to solve problems, alone.  If you go to a Martian with a problem, be ready to receive a solution rather than just a venting session.  Also, when stressed, a Martian likes to think about his problem in seclusion. And, finds solace in his “cave” to digest the matter at hand.  So, Venusians, when your boss or husband or business partner is a Martian, expect him to go to the “cave” in case of stress.  Also, it is vital that no one follows him into the cave for any reason.  Any communication with him at this time will only aggravate the problem further. And, Dr. Gray suggests leaving the Martian alone until he comes out. 


Personality Profiling

With gender differences understood, let us move on to dividing each gender into personality types: the Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Conscientious.   William Moulton Marston Ph.D. (1893 – 1947) developed this method of profiling, called DISC. 

DISC profiling has four quadrants (as shown below), each one representing a personality type. Those people who are outgoing or extroverts are in the upper quadrants and conversely those who are reserve by nature are in the lower quadrants.  Personalities are again divided into those who are ‘people oriented’ vs. ‘task oriented’ found in the right and left quadrants respectively. 

In DISC profiling, there is typically a dominant trait and a less dominant trait to each person. For example, you may have someone who is a high I and a low D.  Keep this in mind when trying to assess a personality type as both traits play a part in the dynamics of a personality.

D or Dominant Personality Type

People who are ‘D’s, are very active in dealing with problems and challenges.  ‘D’ people are normally demanding, forceful, egocentric, strong willed, driving, determined, ambitious, aggressive, and pioneering.  These people have a mission and are on their way to get, not discussion.

How to deal with them

If you are dealing with a ‘D’, make sure to be clear, specific, brief and to the point, stick to business, and be ready with support material in well-organized “package”.  D’s love people who are in control and will only respect those who are equal to their dominance.  When dealing with a ‘D’, do not talk about things that are not relevant to the issue, leave loopholes or cloudy issues, or appear disorganized.


I or Influence Personality Type

People who are ‘I’s, influence others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional.  They are convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic.  They usually have an active social life and are usually center stage.

How to deal with them

If you are dealing with an ‘I’, provide a warm and friendly environment, do not deal with a lot of details, ask “feeling” questions to draw their opinions or comments.  Do not act cold or tight-lipped, do not control the conversation and do not focus on facts and figures, alternatives, abstractions as this will cause them to become very uncomfortable.

S or Steadiness Personality Type

People who are ‘S’ styles want a steady pace, security, and don’t like sudden change.  ‘S’ persons are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced.  Believe it or not, most CEO’s were found to be ‘S’ types.


How to deal with them

If you are dealing with an ‘S’, begin with a personal comment – break the ice, present your case softly, non-threateningly, and ask many questions to draw their opinions.  Do not rush in headlong into business, do not act demanding, and do not force them to respond quickly to your objectives.  An ‘S’ must control the pace and feel that they are not being rushed.


C or Conscientious Personality Type

People with ‘C’ styles adhere to rules, regulations, and structure. They like to do quality work and do it right the first time.  ‘C’ people are careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic, diplomatic, accurate, and tactful.


How to deal with them

If you are dealing with a ‘C’, prepare your case in advance, stick to business, and be accurate and realistic.  When dealing with a ‘C’ do not be too happy, casual, informal, loud, push too hard, be unrealistic with deadlines, be disorganized, or messy.  ‘C’s are sticklers for organization both in how you deal with them and how your message is passed to them.

So, dear readers, this may seem like a lot of information to digest but its power is amazing.  As you start to practice profiling the people you encounter, analysis will become easier.  This tool will enable you to develop smoother relationships and more fruitful encounters.  So, if whether you are dealing with a D,I,S, or C, remember everyone is different and the trick is to treat them the way they want to be treated NOT the way you want to be treated.  With this knowledge, you are now unstoppable… go forth and conquer!

