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How To Become A Beautiful Butterfly

HomeCoachingHow To Become A Beautiful Butterfly

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Neale Donald Walsch

Dear readers, 

I am so pleased to meet with you once again.  Spring has come to Kuwait and it is a time for renewal.  Flowers are blooming and butterflies are fluttering all about.  Let’s remember my dear readers, the butterfly was once a caterpillar which spun a cocoon and with time and effort, transformed into a beautiful butterfly.  The butterfly is free to fly everywhere and anywhere but only after it chose to transform.    

Let’s take a look at your life.  Do you want strong positive change?  Well, guess what, to begin your transformation, you must move out of your comfort zone.  Your comfort zone is your imaginary bubble that you have become comfortable in.  This bubble keeps you in your safe zone and your life stagnant.  It confines your development and growth. 

Once you leave your comfort zone and are no longer afraid of the unknown you begin to leave this place of safety.

So, do you want to become a butterfly? 

For those who want to transform, these steps will assist you into moving out of your comfort zone:

  1. Recognize where you are stuck

The first step is to know that you are stuck and need to make a change.  Take the time to sit down on a regular basis and assess how we are progressing in the various areas of our life is a great way to flag this, awareness is key.

Remember, as a human, you cannot stay stagnant, if you are not growing you are dying, you cannot stay in the same place.  Lookout for comfort as it is a very dangerous thing.  You may look at your life and see that things seem to be going fine and relax but this is very dangerous. 

Take a moment to assess if you are telling yourself some of these phrases which keep you in your comfort zone. 

  • “I am overwhelmed and don’t have time.”
  • “It has to be perfect.”
  • “I can’t do this.”
  • “I should….”
  • “I need to….”
  • “I will never be able to change
  1. Know your fear

Knowing what scares you allows you to know what needs to be changed.  Some fears are good and help us weigh up our choices in life, but a lot of our fear is unnecessary and counter productive. 

Stare your fears in the face and see them for what they really are.  To go beyond your comfort zone, you need to work out where the boundaries lie. A good way to do this is to figure out what makes you feel nervous. 

When you begin to leave your comfort zone, you get that feeling in your stomach like you are nearing the top of a roller coaster.   That uneasiness is an indicator that your body knows a massive change is about to take place. You’re about to enter into a whole new level of speed with exciting twists and unexpected turns. 

Your body will be taken to the highest point and then dropped into the deepest depths of the ride, only to be spun around all over again in a minute-long vortex of excitement.

  1. Do what scares you

Moving out of your comfort zone is scary because it’s something new.  People stay where they are because they are afraid of trying something new.  Fear and paralysis of failure or a bad decision is something they just cannot digest.  Life is a series of opportunities, how you assess them or hide from them will determine the life you lead.  If you do not expand your comfort zone and do not take a leap, you will never know what life had in store for you.  Try new things in small steps, if it works, keep going, if not, adjust it.  Commit to taking action.


  1. Make it a habit

Now that you have become accustomed to doing things that scare you, things are much easier.  Allow new things to become a part of your life.  It’s possible to self learn and program behavior.  Plan and schedule things to do.  Remember to hold yourself accountable.  If you can’t hold yourself accountable, ask a friend or family member to help.  If you prefer to get professional help, get a coach, it’s our job to help. 

Dearest readers, take a leap and achieve your wildest dreams.  All your dreams are just beyond your comfort zone. 

Don’t be afraid to become a butterfly beautiful and free.  If you need any help, connect with me, I would love to help!
